reverse osmosis

There are many applications where wave powered SWRO can be used. Basic applications include:

Utility drinking water

Some years ago the common perception was that water was an infinite sourse. At that time the planet had half the population it has today.
These days, in addition to the normal daily water requirements of each person, we now need to produce food for over 7 billion people, and taking in to consideration that people now consume more calories and use more water per person, we have increased demands for the planet's resources.
Desalination of seawater is one of the solutions to this problem, but with energy costs spiralling out of control it makes this solution expensive. Desalination powered by wave energy on the other hand, provides free renewable energy with zero emissions.

Drinking Water Bottling

For safe drinking water for those not near the sea


An average of 69% of worldwide water use is for irrigation, with 15-35% of irrigation withdrawals being unsustainable.These water requirements are extremely demanding for areas with water scarcity and many times contribute to the poverty of the inhabitants. Wave powered desalination is a solution to be considered if the farming area is near the sea.


Water withdrawal can be very high for certain industries, but consumption is generally much lower than that of agriculture.
An average of 22% of worldwide water use is for industrial applications.
In this sector wave powered desalination might be valuable also, as it will make an industrial plant independent of local resources.


For hotel busineses changes and fluctuations in rainfall or water availability can cause all kinds of problems, many of which can seriously affect a hotel’s bottom line, partly because some local utilities will raise water rates during severe dry periods and may also implement a variety of restrictions and regulations on water use directly impacting hotel properties.

To face these problems, hotel owners and managers should look for ways to reduce water consumption and depending on their location try to make alternative arrangements for their water supply requirements which may vary substantially, but most studies indicate hotels use between 380 and 760 litres of fresh water per occupied guestroom per day. This averages out to about 138 700 to 277 400 litres of water per occupied guestroom per year.

Subject to certain conditions, if your Hotel is near the sea,
wave powered desalination is one of the solutions you should be looking at.

Individual Homes in remote islands with water & energy requirements

A house on a paradise island without water & electricity?
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Emergency sets for drought stricken areas

For urgent humanitarian assistance

Golf Course Water Supply

Is your Golf Course thirsty?

Water is a very important issue in many parts of the world with the population increasing continuously,and therefore efforts to make sure that water is used more efficiently in every aspect of our lives is a must.

Water is also a political issue with a number of groups representing different segments of the economy and the population, including industrial production, agricultural production, urban areas and remote areas.

Where do golf courses fit in this complicated landscape?
Amount of water used, per day, to irrigate the world’s golf courses: 11 billion liters
About half the worlds golf courses are in the U.S.

The average 18-hole championship golf course irrigates 90-100 acres of fairways, tees and greens. Additionally, surrounding green belt areas and home-site lawn irrigation may be added to the totals.

On an average-day basis the volume of water required is approximately 1700 000 to 1900 000 liters/day

These are big numbers often raising political issues as aquifers are strained to meet other water needs such as public potable water supply, commercial/industrial, agriculture and additional irrigation requirements.

Well there might be a solution for you golf lovers if your golf course is located near the sea,

with our environmental friendly wave energy powered desalination system, that will give you all the water independence you need without any electrical energy costs and any strain on yourlocal water resources.

see wave powered desalination