Light curtains/barriers PSENopt

To safeguard interaction between man and machine

Optoelectronic protection devices such as light curtains and light barriers PSENopt are used to safeguard danger points and danger zones, where the production process requires active intervention. Benefits of light curtains/barriers PSENopt at a glance
Maximum safety, as they conform to standards and directives and are tested and approved
The complete solution in conjunction with approved evaluation device
Compact dimensions make it easier to install on any plant
Simple commissioning and economical operation due to integrated alignment guide and status LEDs
Save space and costs through the integral muting function, including partial muting and monitoring of muting lamps in accordance with the ESPE standard 61496-1/-2
Simple diagnostics via built-in diagnostic function
Design of the workstation is more ergonomical than that of mechanical safety devices

Light curtains/barriers PSENopt with integrated muting function

Muting is the safe, automatic and temporary suspension of a protection device. It is frequently used to transport material into and out of a danger zone.
Muting sensors are used to detect this material. During the process optoelectronic protection devices are suspended temporarily, while muting lamps signal their status.

Light curtains/barriers PSENopt have a certified, integral muting function. The integral muting solution on the PSENopt can be used cost-effectively for single safety functions.

If several safety functions are present, or particular demands are placed on the muting function, we recommend that the muting function is controlled via the PNOZmulti or via PSS/ SafetyBUS p components.

Additional functions such as override, monitored or automatic reset and partial muting can be set via the integrated DIP switches.

Product features light curtains/barriers PSENopt The complete solution that`s safe and approved

Conform to the standard IEC/EN 61508
Can be used in applications in accordance with Category 2/
Category 4 of EN 954-1
Can be used for finger, hand and body protection
Built-in muting function, total or partial

Also see: emergency stip units, HMI, motion control, power monitoring relays, programmable safety systems (PSS), safe bus systems, safety assessment, safety mats, safety relays, safety switches, voltage monitoring relays