There are two main sources of DO in water: atmosphere and photosynthesis. Waves and tumbling water mix air into water where oxygen readily dissolves until saturation occurs. Oxygen is also produced by aquatic plants and algae as a by-product of photosynthesis.
Why is Dissolved Oxygen Measurement Necessary?
For aquaculture if the DO level falls too low the fish will suffocate. In sewage treatment, bacteria decompose the solids. If the DO level is too low, the bacteria will die and decomposition ceases; if the DO level is too high, energy is wasted in the aeration of the water. With industrial applications including boilers, the make-up water must have low DO levels to prevent corrosion and boiler scale build-up which inhibits heat transfer. A high DO level in water makes drinking water taste better, however, high DO levels will increase corrosion in water plumbing and transport lines.
The application of better measuring techniques ensures more accurate and cost effective monitoring of the Dissolved Oxygen Level.
Dissolved Oxygen Applications
- Fish farming and aquatic environment health
- Live fish transport
- Wastewater treatment
- Industrial make up waters
- Corrosion control
Our 6440 series of Galvanic Dissolved Oxygen Sensors with Direct 4-20mA Output
deliver accurate measurements with very fast response time. Calibration is simple and only requires a single-point air calibration. Sensor directly
outputs a 4-20mA signal scaled to the sensor range for easy PLC integration.
Fast response time for accurate dissolved oxygen monitoring
Direct 4-20mA output signal to integrate with a PLC or other control system
Ready for long-term deployment with large electrolyte reservoir
The 6440 series of DO sensors can be connected to many of our panel meters
/controllers with 4-20mA signal input and have a DO measuring & control system.