For gate and position monitoring
The main application area for all mechanical safety PSENmech switches is found in classic mechanical engineering. The switches ensure that an open safety gate or unsafe position is detected and the machine stopped. For example they can be used to monitor safety gates on lathes or punching machines or to monitor safely the position of rams or carts on machine tools.
Using increased extraction force on the actuator the PSENmech can prevent the safety gate from being opened unintentionally. They comply with the standard EN 1088 (protection against defeat) due to their mechanically-coded actuators.
Mechanical safety switches PSENmech with guard locking also ensure that the safety gate is interlocked (guard locking) until the hazardous production process is complete. They can also prevent production from being interrupted as a result of unauthorised access.
The complete solution that`s safe and economical
As a solution supplier Pilz provides the optimum concept for safe, economical safety gate and position monitoring: mechanical safety switches on the input side in conjunction with proven evaluation devices on the output side.
With BG and UL approval
When a PSENmech mechanical safety switch is combined with an additional safety switch (PSENmech, PSENmag oder PSENcode) and used in conjunction with Pilz evaluation devices, you can achieve a safe, complete solution for applications up Category 4 in accordance with EN 954-1. The result is reliable components with maximum compatibility and BG/cUL approval. So they are suitable for worldwide use. Their high-quality manufacture ensures a simple, space-saving installation and a long product service life.
Also see: emergency stip units, HMI, light curtain monitors, motion control, power monitoring relays, programmable safety systems (PSS), safe bus systems, safety assessment, safety mats, safety relays, voltage monitoring relays